Assessment of conflict risks in communities negatively affected by the armed conflict

Assessment of conflict risks in communities negatively affected by the armed conflict

Дивитись матеріали проєкту

Duration: 09.11.2021-20.12.2021

Supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

Amount of funding: UAH 340,000 

Our project aims to conduct a comprehensive sociological study to assess the risks of conflict in the amalgamated territorial communities of Henichesk (Kherson region) and Starobilsk (Luhansk region).

The study’s main focus is to analyse the risk factors that could lead to conflicts in these communities. In particular, it will examine political, economic, social, and cultural aspects that affect social cohesion. As a result, it will allow for a comprehensive assessment of potential threats and identify vulnerabilities where efforts to prevent conflicts should be focused.

The results of the study became the basis for organising dialogue activities to strengthen the resilience of communities that have been negatively affected by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

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Аналітичні матеріали проєкту

Conflict Emergence Risk Assessment in Starobilsk and Henichesk Communities

Conflict Emergence Risk Assessment in Starobilsk and Henichesk Communities