REUNIR: Strengthening the EU’s security, enlargement, and Eastern neighbourhood policies in a new era of international relations

REUNIR: Strengthening the EU’s security, enlargement, and Eastern neighbourhood policies in a new era of international relations

Duration: 01.01.2024-31.12.2026

Supported by the European Research Executive Agency (Horizon Europe research programme)

Amount of funding: EUR 133,085

With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and China’s double game heightening concerns about global security, REUNIR aims to explore how the EU will improve its foreign and security policy instruments and policies to support both its own resilience and that of its candidate countries.

Against the backdrop of divisions within the EU and the constant threat of foreign interference, the project will combine different research strategies and use a foresight approach to analyse alternative futures and assess the threat to military, socio-economic, and democratic resilience.

The research will result in recommendations to mitigate negative foreign interference and strengthen the EU’s security.