
  • Дослідження
  • Інституційний розвиток
Research and policy analysis on reintegration scenarios and strategies

Research and policy analysis on reintegration scenarios and strategies

Development and implementation of the online course “Culture and Politics: Multifaceted (Inter)Relationships”

Development and implementation of the online course “Culture and Politics: Multifaceted (Inter)Relationships”

Assessment of conflict risks in communities negatively affected by the armed conflict

Assessment of conflict risks in communities negatively affected by the armed conflict

Reintegration Policy of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Its Informational and Cultural Dimensions: Systemic Institutional Analysis

Reintegration Policy of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Its Informational and Cultural Dimensions: Systemic Institutional Analysis

Security models for Ukraine: from the new Sich to new alliances

Security models for Ukraine: from the new Sich to new alliances

SHAPEDEM-EU – Rethinking and reformatting the European Union’s support for democracy in the Eastern and Southern Neighborhood

SHAPEDEM-EU – Rethinking and reformatting the European Union’s support for democracy in the Eastern and Southern Neighborhood