The SfPA starts a project  on the social, political, and cultural aspects of life in the newly liberated and temporarily occupied areas

The SfPA starts a project  on the social, political, and cultural aspects of life in the newly liberated and temporarily occupied areas

We focus on restoration of social and political life of communities in newly-liberated areas, on demand for justice and transitional justice issues, on informational and cultural discourses and practices, on popular attitudes within NLA communities.  

We are to  employ a wide range of research methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, media analysis, etc. An important part of our project is to enhance social cohesion in communities in newly liberated areas. Thus, it includes mediated dialogues in these communities.

Maksym Yakovlyev, Director of the School for Policy Analysis, emphasized that this project will help us to understand the concerns of residents in the newly liberated areas.

“For public policy making, especially in such sensitive and critical areas as the reconstruction and recovery of newly liberated areas and and assistance to those affected by occupation, it is important to set aside our assumptions about people’s needs and problems and directly ask them about them,” he noted.

Thus, we aim to enhance social cohesion in newly liberated areas and to contribute – the the level of public policy making — to the effective and cohesive strategy for their reconstruction and recovery. 

This research is being implemented by the School of Political Analysis at NaUKMA within the framework of the “Engage!” Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact in Ukraine. The content of this event is solely the responsibility of Pact and its partners, and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. government.