81% of Ukrainians are optimistic about the future of their country

81% of Ukrainians are optimistic about the future of their country

In different periods of Ukraine’s history, Russia conducted information and psychological operations with varying intensity to destabilize the situation inside Ukraine. These efforts intensified with the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion on Ukraine. For instance, in our monitoring of Russian propaganda in Telegram channels in June 2024, we recorded the spread of the message “Russia is a country of opportunities, and Ukraine is only ‘falling apart’”.

However, in the survey “Democracy in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine” conducted as part of the SHAPEDEM-EU project, we found that 81% of Ukrainians are optimistic about the future of their country.

We believe that Ukraine has a bright future ahead of it, and we are already making every effort to make it happen as soon as possible by creating evidence-based policy analysis and countering Russian propaganda.

Read more results of the survey “Democracy in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine”.