The Case of Ukraine and Its Lessons: From ENP to EU Accession — presentation

The Case of Ukraine and Its Lessons: From ENP to EU Accession — presentation

The paper “The Case of Ukraine and Its Lessons: From ENP to EU Accession”, authored by Dr Anna Osypchuk and Anton Suslov, was presented within the joint panel “The EU, its institutions and member states changing leadership in democracy support for Neighbourhood countries after Russian war of aggression” on June 19, 2024, in context of the 12th Biennial Conference of the SGEU in Lisbon, chaired by Magdalena Gora (Jagiellonian University). The paper presents the results of the comparative surveys in the Eastern Neighborhood countries. These surveys were conducted as part of Work Package 2 (WP2), titled “Democratic Practices & Democracy Support in the Eastern Neighbourhood”, within the framework of the SHAPEDEM-EU project under the European Commission’s Horizon research programme.