In the Ukrainian political lexicon, the term ‘Left’ usually refers to parties that are to the left of both social democracy in its traditional understanding and to the left of several Ukrainian social democratic parties. In fact, Ukrainian politics lacks a genuine and strong social democratic party; the formerly influential but marginalized since the Orange…
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Украина в Европе: Вопросы и ответы
В этой публикации автор стремится дать ответы на вопросы об Украине, которые обычно ставит зарубежная, и прежде всего российская, аудитория. Для понимания позиции Киева на международной арене автор объясняет основы украинской политики. Геополитически и цивилизационно Украина — часть Европы, что при всей неоднозначности ситуации в стране неминуемо влияет на ее политическую культуру и политическую систему.…
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Is the Yanukovych Model of Governance Drifting Toward Russian Shores?
In the second round of Ukraine’s February 2010 presidential election, Viktor Yanukovych defeated Yulia Tymoshenko by a slim margin (49 to 45.5 percent). As Yanukovych’s Party of Regions (PoR) did not have a parliamentary majority, most observers believed that the political situation in Ukraine would become a more or less balanced one (as the 2004…
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The Drama of Ukraine’s 2010 Presidential Election
The Orange Revolution remains an event of crucial importance to the entire postSoviet space. Its main accomplishments were the establishment of political freedom (including freedom of the press) and free and fair elections. After Ukraine’s 2006 parliamentary elections, the country was recognized by the U.S.-based nongovernmental organization Freedom House as the only free country in…
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Recent Comments by admin
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- 13.01.2025 on Інформаційні маніпуляції УПЦ (МП): чи справді Грузинська Церква проти автокефалії?
- 13.01.2025 on Як навчитись з першого погляду ідентифікувати fake news
- 12.01.2025 on Як навчитись з першого погляду ідентифікувати fake news