Research topics

1. Countering populism

Analysis of populism as a discourse and a "thin ideology", revealing its indicators and further development of an effective strategy to counteract this phenomenon.

2. The ideology of the "Russian world" and the Ukrainian view on the inner-political processes in Russia

A search for and analysis of ideological indicators of the "Russian world" in mass culture, particularly in cinematography. The study of various mechanisms of how these ideas are being spread ideas – via language, cinema, mass media, the Russian Orthodox Church – and an analysis of how influential they are in Ukraine. Monitoring and research of political processes within Russia: from the policy of the current regime to the activities of various oppositional political forces.

3. Ideological re-integration of the Donbas and Crimea

Monitoring of the processes that take place in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donbas in order to find ways of their ideological reintegration into Ukraine. Preparation of analytical materials to facilitate the reintegration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

4. Youth education policy

The possibility of implementation of non-formal educational initiatives in various fields in Ukraine.

5. Activities of think tanks in Ukraine and in the world

Preparation and drafting of suggestions on how to improve analytical products through the study of the experience of advanced analytical centers both in the university environment and in the non-governmental sector.